Firm News

Blackstone’s Veterans Network

The Veterans Network, one of four affinity groups at Blackstone, aims to cultivate a community of military personnel and advocates to recruit and retain talented veterans. The network’s initiatives include the Blackstone Military Internship Program (MINT), which provides internships, networking opportunities, and mentorship to employees. It gives transitioning military personnel the support and guidance needed to enter the financial services industry. Once our veterans are at Blackstone, the network provides an extended community to not only act as a support system, but to better educate our employees. Watch the video above to learn more. 

The Veterans Network is one of many ways in which we work to support veterans. Through the Blackstone Veterans Initiative, we have hired more than 80,000 veterans and veteran spouses at current and former portfolio companies since 2013, with a goal of reaching 100,000 by 2022. To learn more about the Veterans Initiative, click here.